A unique twist on Doggy Daycare!

Drop off your dog for a day of fun, enrichment, exercise, training and adventures with our expert training staff.

Each Day Camper receives a minimum of five different activities throughout the day to help exercise their bodies and their minds to ensure that they go home happy and tired.

We select a variety of activities customized for each individual dog. Some dogs might enjoy a sniffy walk looking for treasures around the property and others might have a blast conquering an obstacle course. Canine workouts designed by AKC FIT Dog Instructors work your dog’s core, balance and coordination. We know that your dog will go home tired, they may come home with a new trick they’ve learned as well!

Between activities, dogs rest in our indoor individual suites. Small group playtime is available for suitable dogs (no more than 3 dogs at a time and always supervised).

Day camp is suitable for dogs and puppies older than 16 weeks. Please inquire about other offerings for younger dogs. Dogs must be current on Rabies, Distemper and Bordetella vaccines and must not show symptoms of illness. Spots are limited each day to ensure each dog gets as much attention as possible.

Scroll down for a list of possible Day Camp activities

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Get in Touch


31158 Palisade St NE

Cambridge, MN 55008

Email Address


Phone Number

(763) 689-1379